We are excited to launch RELATE (REveaL- Art To Exchange), an artist in residence programme by Visual Voices (CY), G.F.C. Generation for Change (CY) and agency of artists in exile (FR) aimed at connecting, empowering, and supporting the creative and cultural sector in Cyprus. We invite 10 artists based in Cyprus with migrant backgrounds—refugees, asylum-seekers, and economic migrants with established artistic practices to apply. All artistic practices are welcome including visual arts, performance, music, etc. Participants will benefit from mentorship from a local artist, production support through workshops and training, public showcase opportunities, and valuable networking connections in Cyprus and across Europe. The project will run from November 2024 to February 2026. Applications are open until October 23rd, 2024. For application guidelines, project details, and more information, please scroll down.

To download the full open call please [CLICK HERE]

Deadline for Submission: October 23rd, 2024.

Please [CLICK HERE]for the application form.

Applications can be submitted either through the application form or by emailing the responses to the questions found on application form [CLICK HERE] directly to contact@visual-voices.org. [Questions can also be found at the bottom of this page].
*APPLICATIONS can be submitted in any language. If you wish to submit your application in a language other than English please contact us in advance.
*APPLICATIONS may be submitted in alternative formats (English only), in cases that it is necessary, including audio recording, video, etc. PLEASE NOTE that it is up to the candidate to ensure that the format can be easily understood.

An online information session will be taking place on October 15th, 2024, 18:00 GMT+3 (Cyprus Time). Please reach us at selin@visual-voices.org to sign up.

The artistic and cultural sector in Cyprus is characterised by the minimal involvement of migrants, as there are numerous obstacles that may prevent them from pursuing their creative passions and progressing in their careers. To address these challenges, RELATE (REveaL- Art To Exchange) is an initiative that aims to boost the inclusion, appreciation, and recognition of migrant and refugee artists in Cyprus by supporting their creative efforts and professional opportunities. We are launching this open call to invite 10 artists based in Cyprus to participate. Selected artists will receive support from local mentors, production support through workshops and training, opportunities to showcase their work to the public, and networking opportunities.

We aim to connect, empower, and support migrant and refugee artists in Cyprus by fostering strong relationships with European and Cypriot creative sectors. Our goal is to enhance awareness and respect for cultural diversity, using the arts to combat intolerance, racism, xenophobia, and promote non-discrimination. Employing arts-based methodologies, the project creates connections at the personal, professional, and communal levels. Through live events and in-person occasions, we will facilitate cultural exchange, professional networking, and public engagement. By creating lasting connections and skills for navigating the creative sectors, we support collaborative efforts between participants, mentors, individuals or groups from Cypriot and European cultural sectors, and the wider community.

What we provide
*Pairing each artist with a local mentor, matched based on similar artistic practices, to support artistic production and professional integration. Regular meetings will be held to discuss artistic production, professional challenges, resources, and networking.
*Production support of 1,500 Euro for the purchase of materials and/ or any other relevant costs, plus shared studio space available in Nicosia Old Town.
*Introduction to creative and cultural professionals in Cyprus, including sessions with curators, agents, and gallery owners.
*Training to support participating artists in the establishment of a sustainable artist collective composed of all participating artists.
*Opportunities to showcase work to the public across the island.
*Guidance on drafting funding proposals, including information on available grants.
*Peer-to-peer interaction and exchange opportunities with visiting France based artists.

What we are looking for
︎︎︎Artists (of any artistic discipline) with a migrant and/ or refugee background.
︎︎︎Interest in developing a new artistic work.
︎︎︎Willingness to contribute to the development of a lasting artist collective.
︎︎︎Enthusiasm in networking and collaborating with local and transnational cultural professionals, including curators, agents, gallery owners, other artists, etc.
︎︎︎We strongly encourage female artists to apply.

Who is eligible
︎Artists with migrant backgrounds (i.e. refugees, asylum-seekers, and economic migrants) who had a professional and/or well-established artistic practice.
︎Based in Republic of Cyprus.
︎18+ years of age.
︎Available to participate in project activities from November 2025 – February 2026.
︎Good speaking and understanding of English.

Application schedule
Deadline to apply October 23rd, 2024, 23:59 GMT+3 (Cyprus Time).
Applicants will be notified by November 1st, 2024.
Mentoring sessions, workshops, and trainings November 2024 – February 2026.

Programme timeline
We ask that the applicant is able to be present for all aspects of the RELATE programme. Please find a breakdown of the schedule below:

November 2024 to March 2026, participating artists will receive support for their practice and professional development as part of the mentorship programme of RELATE. This will include regular meet-ups.

January to July 2025, artists will engage in artistic production, with studio space and materials provided. Each artist will be expected to create at least one artwork.

January to April 2025, four half-day workshops will take place, with exact dates to be announced later, based on participants’ availability.

January 2025, a 2.5-day training on forming an artists' collective will take place, including a grant writing workshop to help artists develop professional skills.

March 21, 2025, an event will be organised to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, and on May 21, 2025, another event will be held for World Cultural Diversity Day. Both will feature workshops to raise awareness about racism, discrimination, and the importance of diversity.

March 2025, a two-day artist exchange from France will take place, focused on networking.

July and November 2025, artists will present their work through exhibitions, concerts, or performances across the island, giving them the opportunity to engage with local audiences and gain experience in event organisation. The duration and timing of these presentations will depend on the work produced.

October to December 2025, participating artists will host public presentations and workshops to share lessons learned and teach artistic techniques.

November and December 2025, school presentations will be organised, where artists will present their work to students and teachers, fostering dialogue on biases and promoting appreciation for diverse artistic contributions.

Finally, in January 2026, a final conference will be held in Nicosia, highlighting the project's impact, with presentations from artists, cultural professionals, and academics.

Who we are
Visual Voices (VV) is a non-profit organisation based in Nicosia, Cyprus, dedicated to visual arts and community peacebuilding both locally and internationally. Their programmes are designed for young artists interested in socially engaged artistic practices, focusing on artist residencies, non-commercial platforms, and community partnerships to foster dialogue and new perspectives on social challenges. Artists will engage directly with VV throughout the duration of their activities as part of this open call.

G.F.C. Generation for Change CY (GFC) is a migrant-led grassroots non-profit in Cyprus striving for a diverse and inclusive society. They focus on migration, asylum, and integration, providing material assistance, empowerment programmes, and psychosocial support to refugees, migrants, and marginalised groups, while also conducting awareness-raising and advocacy actions.

agency of artists in exile (aa-e) is a Paris-based organisation with an outreach office in Marseille, dedicated to supporting artists in exile of all origins and disciplines. They provide workspaces, counselling, and connections to professional networks, and offer various programmes including language courses, training, and workshops, culminating in the annual Visions of Exile festival to showcase their members' work and raise public awareness on exile.

RELATE is realised with the collaboration of three project-partners, funded with support from the European Commission as part of its programme CERV-2023-EQUAL.

1) How to apply?
The application can be filled out through this form: [LINK]. Along with the application you will be asked to attach an artist portfolio. All applications must be submitted before the stated deadline (October 23rd, 2024, 23:59 GMT+3 (Cyprus Time)). Alternatively, you may choose to email application responses to the application questions [CLICK HERE] and portfolio directly to selin@visual-voices.org. A CV is not necessary.

2) Selection criteria and evaluation process
Applications will be assessed based on two key factors: eligibility according to the outlined criteria and the quality of the artist’s portfolio. Please be aware that the application form requires a brief proposal of the work you intend to create for this project. The feasibility of your proposed project within the framework of RELATE will also be considered.

The evaluation is undertaken by a committee of members from the two leading organisations. Selected candidates will be notified by November 1st, 2024. All other applicants will be contacted via email by November 8th, 2024.

3) How many artists will be selected?
A total of 10 artists will be selected.

4) What do we expect in the composition of the portfolio?
Your portfolio should communicate your artistic vision and capability to contribute to the RELATE project. We expect to see a comprehensive representation of your artistic practice. This should include high-quality images or documentation of recent works, showcasing your interests and techniques. Please include a short description of each piece, highlighting the concept, medium, and any relevant context. Please indicate exhibition titles and locations where applicable. Additionally, if applicable, provide links to video or digital formats of your work (such as Dailymotion or YouTube links).

You can submit your portfolio as a Word document or PowerPoint presentation, and it should be saved as a PDF. Please include in your portfolio at least two previous works.

5) Do I need to have a Cypriot residence or work permit to take part?
No, however, participating artists must be based in the Republic of Cyprus.

6) Are artists living in the northern side of the divide eligible to apply?
This initiative provides physical and networking support to artists residing in the Republic of Cyprus.

7) Can I submit my application in a language other than English?
-Applications can be submitted in any language. If you wish to submit your application in a language other than English please contact us in advance.

-Applications may be submitted in alternative formats (English only), in cases that it is necessary, including audio recording, video, etc. PLEASE NOTE that it is up to the candidate to ensure that the format can be easily understood.

8) Who will be selecting the applicants?
Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee comprising representatives from the partner organisations involved in the project. The selection committee will include both art and migrant rights advocacy experts.

9) What types of art disciplines are eligible for this open call?
We accept applications from artists engaged in any art discipline.

10) Do I need to have professional artistic experience to apply?
Yes, we are looking for artists with a professional and/or well-established artistic practice prior to arriving in Cyprus. This experience can be demonstrated in the submitted portfolio.

11) Are there specific themes or subjects that the artworks must adhere to during the process?
No, artists have creative freedom to develop their work, with guidance and support from their mentors.

12) What is meant by the co-development of an artist collective?
This involves artists collaborating to form a supportive network and hub for ongoing support, motivation, and opportunities beyond the project. We will help establish structures for the collective’s continuity and future initiatives.

13) Do participating artists need to continue leading the artist collective after the project ends?
Ideal candidates for this open call are those interested and willing to participate in the collective in the long-term, though it is not mandatory.

14) What will happen to my artwork after the project ends?
Artists retain ownership of their artwork. One of our main goals is to showcase the work of participating artists in different places and draw attention from various stakeholders, including gallery owners and agents. This means that the artworks created during the project could have a lasting impact and reach a wide audience.

15) Is it required for participating artists to agree to have their names and photos shared as part of the project’s public communication?
Artists will be given the option whether they wish to disclose their real name or photo on public communication.

16) Are there any costs associated with participating in the programme?
There are no costs for selected artists to participate in the programme. Production support, studio space  and training sessions, will be provided free of charge.

17) Can artists apply as a group or collective?
No, the open call is for individual artists only. Each applicant must apply separately and provide their own portfolio.

18) What happens if I am unable to attend all scheduled activities during the project period?
Please inform us in your application if you anticipate any scheduling conflicts.

19) Can artists based outside of Cyprus apply if they plan to relocate during the project period?
No, participating artists must be based in the Republic of Cyprus throughout the project period to fully benefit from local mentorship, workshops, and networking opportunities.

20) What are the application questions and required documents?
Please either fill out the application form [CLICK HERE], or download the application questions [CLICK HERE] and email your responses along with your attached portfolio. Alternatively, you can copy and paste the questions below and send your responses via email with your portfolio attached.

1.     First name
2.     Last name
3.     City of residence
4.     Email
5.     Telephone number
6.     I have read the eligibility requirements and confirm that I am eligible to participate
7.     Briefly present yourself, including your past and present artistic practice (max 2,500 characters)
8.     Describe the art project you would like to develop within the scope of RELATE (max 2,500 characters)
9.     Briefly indicate if you would like (and how you would envision) to contribute to the development of an artist collective (max 1,000 characters)
10.  Please attach: artist portfolio.
11.  Submit the completed application form provided (i.e. the 10 questions indicated here), your portfolio and (if you would like) a document of your choice.

For any additional questions, please contact: selin@visual-voices.org

contact@visual-voices.org       ︎    ︎     ︎