Crossing 24/31: I always confuse
south to north, north to south

This exhibition is the result of the three-month peace education residency program organized by the Visual Voices that brings together eleven Greek and Turkish Cypriot visual artists who explored the theme "Media and Nationalist Narratives".
The main characteristic of the exhibited artworks is their bold and activist approach to the subject matter. The eleven artists participating in this residency have been selected after applying to the open call published by the organization.
The artists exhibiting their works include:
Irene Kattou, Zoe Polycarpou, Ioanna Neophytou, Lenia Georgiou, Nurtane Karagil, Dize Kukrer, Panagiotis Achniotis, Stephanie Lemesianou, Fetine Sel Tüzel, Hayal Gezer, Christina Christofi.
To visit the digital exhibition catalogue click here.
Crossing 24/31: I always confuse south to north, north to south
Looking through conflict narratives. Coming together to speak about it, to present a new outlook through injury, to delve in search of, in the dark, through a photo-flash and a handful of dust thrown on glue or even through two arms unfolding: a new path.
Artists from across the island meet here to draw a new trail together, with their hands that have different stories, with their own genesis, with their own family narratives- to a peace -wise and unforgotten.
Over a period of months, these eleven artists have sought to confront the collective, universal yet opposing, conflict narratives that are unconsciously imposed on daily life. The residency exhibition is part of the “Falling Walls: Looking through conflict narratives” project of Visual Voices.
Bringing these works together is a sense of new perspectives and long-lived togetherness. The works speak in stark contrast to the common narratives found in today’s media, that extends to the common beliefs of the people. The works are the personal journeys of going beyond what is told, entering the mirrored universal.
We wish you a good journey, exploring the journey of another, that we hope becomes your own.
Guest mentors:
Maral Deghati- With a background in fine arts, photojournalism and psychology, Maral’s interests focus on the exploration of the human experience and its varied perspectives using a cross-cultural framework for storytelling and narrative. Aiming for editorial and educational activities with high impact.Anthony Freda- is a Visual Voices technical advisor and part of the adjunct faculty of the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. Based in Long Island NY, Freda works as an artist, illustrator and anti-war activist. In addition to many mainstream clients, such as Time, The New Yorker, Rolling Stone and The New York Times, and The Nation Opp Art series, he also contributes to many alternative news websites and publication. Esra Plumer Bardak- is a Visual Voices technical advisor, art historian, researcher and active member of non-profit art associations. She earned her PhD in Art History at the University of Nottingham in 2012 and has lectured at several institutions on Modern and Contemporary Art. She also holds a PG-Dip in Arts Management and Cultural Policy from Queen's University, Belfast.Melissa Hekkers- is a Visual Voices technical advisor, freelance journalist and author, who has frequently been featured in mainstream news outlets and other publications in Cyprus. Since 2015, she has been teaching creative writing to children and adults. Her work also focuses on silenced communities in Cyprus: she writes about migrants, both as a reporter and author; profiles them and teaches them creative and script writing skills through European funded programmes.
In cooperation with Allianz Kulturstiftung.